The game with a hot guy in leather pants, and lots of weird dream sequences.


Alright. I got the game. So...I love it. There's just one problem. My already rather crowded little brain decided it was going to open up to yet *another* whorde of characters...and the result is a demented young woman torn between the duties of real life and the tantalizing call of writing fanfiction. The latter took over, boohoo. But see, here's the other little problem. This new whorde of characters is by far the most demanding that has ever taken up residence in my head. Do they want to wait until after I'm done with the game and I actually know what I'm writing about? Nooooo. Write about us *now*, they demand. Bossy little--heh. Ahem. So I've gotta split this place up. Pre-game (obviously written before the game's release, or while I was playing the Japanese version), Game (while I'm playing the game), and Post-game (after I pass the game, which is some time in the far future, I'm betting.) Easy enough? OK, onward.



Fate's Amusement-Rinoa Heartilly meets Squall Leonhart. Bwa. There really isn't anything else to it but that, and it's probably all wrong since it was a pre-game fic. I actually wrote it based off a screen shot. That's how insane I actually believe that one can make a good fic from a screen shot...-_- Expect better works when I actually have a clue as to what the hell I'm writing about.



Beginnings--Quistis Trepe and he first day at Balamb Garden. This one elapsed into extreme suckiness--but at least now Quistis isn't screaming inside my head for me to write about her. I blame this one all on the medicine-head, folks. Back, evil drowsiness-inducing decongestants! Back, I say!


Weird Things Happen At Night--the re-write of Rinoa Heartilly meets Squall Leonhart. Once again, bwa. I like this one, actually. I enjoyed doing all of Squall's little commentary because hell, I do that sort of thing in my head all the time. That's probably why all his smart ass replies came to me so quickly. Heeheehehee.


After The Rain--undisputedly the sappiest piece of writing I've ever done in my life. I'm pretty proud of how it turned out, though. It does start to decline in quality towards the end, but you can ignore that fact. It deals with Laguna and Raine, and their meeting and her death and everything inbetween. It's a rarity--a fic I actually enjoyed writing and like! So you might want to check it out.



Pretty Good Year--Is my long Laguna and Raine fic. Mwah. I don't really have anything to say about it, except I'm an idiot and that it doesn't coordinate with After The Rain, like I had planned for it to. Dammo. Read it, though, please? Pleeeeeeeeaaaasssseeee? Hopefully, I'll finish this thing quicker than I finished First Glance...


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