The game with enough gore to make even Dahmer sick, and a really skanky looking cop.


OK, so I shouldn't have said what I said about Dahmer. That's just not even funny. But anywho. So I wrote a Silent Hill fic. So it's the *only* Silent Hill fic I've seen to date. I'm sure there's some Japanese ones out there (there always seems to be a ton of stuff in Japanese), but mine's the only English one I've seen so far. That only goes to show that I'm a miscreant with too much time on my hands and an overactive imagination. But...I feel so peculiar. If anyone else out there has seen another English Silent Hill fanfic, please email me and tell me about it. I must reach out to the other miscreants in the world...


The Unnamed Silent Hill Fanfic- Ta-da. Here it is, in all it's freakish glory. This is probably the most graphic thing I've ever's not that bad, but it's sort of gross. So if you're bothered by, oh, say...someone's innards falling out, don't read this. Or read it, and just cover yon eyes when it comes to that part. Heehee. Don't say I didn't warn you. *feels special because her fic has content warning* *has always wanted a content warning* *is a miscreant*


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