I have no idea what possessed me to do this. I only know that there will be more...



and our story begins.

Edea: Why, Mulder, don't we make a lovely couple?

Mulder: Indeed we do, Edea darling.

the plot thickens.

Scully: Mulder! What are you doing with...HER?!


Mulder: Scully, I can explain, I swear!

Scully: Oh, I understand just *fine*. You've been hoing around with that skank sorceress!


Scully: Fine. If you want to be a whoreboy, Mulder... I'll have you know that I'm *much* happier with my secret lover, Sailorneptune!

Edea and Mulder: ...!!!

yikes says I

Scully: MUCH happier, if you know what I mean...

Sailorneptune: *giggle*

Oh, the drama

Our hero is absolutely shocked. Utter shock is painted vividly all over his emotionally sensitive face. Note the pain glittering in his soulful eyes.

*laughs* This has got to be THE stupidest damn thing I've ever done, besides creating this website

All: *are dramatically and vividly shocked* *gasp*

and, the ending

Cryptie: Next time, on the Crytpie Show..."My Husband is In Love With My Homosexual Prostitute Lover's Houseplant, and I'm Carrying Newt Gingrich's Love Child!" We'll also talk with Ginger, a loveable four-eyed dominatrix whose life was forever changed when she was involved in the Chernobyl accident years ago. Her touching story and more, same time tomorrow! *cue up theme music*


yes, I am a filthy monkey and should be shot for this atrocity. Run away before you start having urges to gouge your eyes out with a spork, such as I do when I gaze upon this offensive material.

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