OK, my first page was overloaded...so I had to create a second one. same ole goodness, just cleaved in two with an axe. hehehe...have fun! I COMMAND THEE!

MAKE....UP!!! WORLD....SKAing....err, SHAKING! (I know that's not the attack...but I like to run around and say that. especially from the subtitled versions...in japanese it sounds like "worldo...shaaakin!" hahahaha...)


::bounce:: how kawaii. how I love squall.


evil. AAH! the EVIL shirley temple! beware!


I get attacked the minute I walk away from you!  And my gear sucks too! aah...xenogears. my "brother" (once again, he isn't actually related to me) is going to send me the game once he gets done with it...then I will own it...


enter the dragon more xenogears....god only knows...religious overtones make my damn day


dedo screm again well...here's a better resolution gif of setsuna's above shown dead scream. hmm...the colours on this one suck though...


I'm a ditz.. transformation into eternal sailormoon. gomen, it's kinda dark. shimatta.


dummdededummmmdummdummmdummmdummmdededummmdummmmdummmm sailormars doing an attack. watch her when she's only got her two fingers together, but no fire. then hum the james bond theme to yourself. hehehe...funny, huh? ::someone whaps aerisceles:: owchies...I thought it was funny! ::muttered voice: baka.:: hey! I heard that, damnit!


I agreeeeeeee...






nyaaaah vile, filthy evilness. so evil in fact that it goes beyond the known boundaries of perceptible evil. what is amara enid saying? she herself along with anyone else reading this have no clue.

snerk whoa, check it out. a dead, spinning gerbil. how much better does it get?


boula boula... aah! edea! (personally, I liked it better when the translation was read as "idea". I think it would have been pretty cool if that was her name. I liked it, and they changed it >_< shiza.)


shitan=sexy. aah, more xenogears. (pronounced zen-oh-gears) I love shitan...he is so handsome. aah, shitan-kun. hehe...his daughter is cute too. (NOT LIKE THAT!) I meant she was like adorable...::sweatdrop::


I miss jerry garcia.::cries:: jerry!! you left us too soon!!


this reminds me of this really neat poster I saw once.  it had two doorways, and snow was coming in one and leaves in the other...and there was water spilling on the floor from the fireplace...and there were burning books...it was really surreal. open. close. open. close. amara's a dork.


peligro!  or something. DANGER!! (and or yield..hehe...pearl jam!!!)


for some reason, this reminds me of something out of a software or a phone company commercial.  they always try to have dramatic stuff. wow, is the world really spinning that quick?! ::twirls her hair and acts like a cheerleader::


GODZILLA!!! AIEEEEE!!! hehehe. burn baby, burn.


welcome to the hotel california...(such a lovely place) you can't ever TRULY leave. you're always stuck here. we draw you back...RUN, LUKE!! RUN!! run...rabbit...run...dig that hole...forget the sun...when at last the work is done...don't sit down, it's time to dig another one...


::insert various 'eew's and 'ick's here:: heh, this really cracks me up for some obscure reason. I think it's because I'm a morbid little freak.