t h e . e i g h t i e s

yes, a page dedicated to the wonderful age of mecha animes, euro pop, and cheesy james bond movies. of course, it could only be the eighties. this dimension of silence and death is just basically some really cool things I remember about the age I grew up in. kinda like a "hey wow, she remembers that too?" page. have fun, fellow children of the eighties.

1. macross (otherwise known as robotech)- aah, who could forget minmei's infamous singing scenes? hehehe. I love mecha, like a lot. there's just something enchanting about it...well, anyway, I found out about a month ago from someone that cartoon network shows robotech on the weekends. (check your listings, sinner. ^_^) I used to watch this show all the time...

given proof that crack will destroy your mind

the ending to the macross game...heh, quality gaming. he decided to die...too bad. ^_^

2. duranduran- HER NAME IS RIO AND SHE DANCES ON THE...oh. ::sweatdrop:: shimatta. there are people watching me. anyway, I like these guys still. my "brother" (we're not actually related) went to one of their concerts like way back when in the 80s and got me a hat...unfortunately, it disappeared. ;_; so sad.

3. voltron- this mecha toon actually was made in like 79, I think, but oh well. I still watched the shit out of it. the name of one of the planets was aeris. hehehe, amusing.

4. popples- popples were little stuffed animals that looked like round balls with arms and legs. they had little tails with multicoloured fluffballs on the end...and the fun thing was, you could roll them up into balls (they had pouches) and toss them around! woohoo! I had two or three popples...sadly, I only know where 2 are now...

5. nes and my late atari- ok, as of late, nintendo has just gotten downright evil. can we say glover? anyways, I owned both systems (stupid me gave both of them to my cousins, their gain my loss)and they were quite possibly one of the most amusing things I've ever owned. I was the only kid on the block with them so everyone came to my house and played them ^_^. I especially liked pitfall for atari and castlevania, ghosts and goblins, and mario two for nintendo.

6. phantom fighter- some really old and cheesy game I had for my nes. it was kinda fun, but after a while it got really hard for someone at my young age and I would just cry.

7. castilian- an extremely queer game for nes. if anyone else out there had this game, email me (setsuna_inverse@hotmail.com) wasn't it queer?

8. the adventures of tom sawyer- another nes game. the last one, I promise. it was kinda fun, especially the level where you had to raft down the mississippi, and fight a giant alligator.

9. bangle bracelets- I still love these things, at even at my semi-mature age in 1999, I wear 84 of them, the sparkly plastic kind. just like the ones I wore when I was about 3...I'm such a freak. FONT>

10. thundercats- THUNDERCATS, HOOO!! oh...shimatta, there are people watching me again. that cartoon was pretty cool...and it makes me belligerant that cartoon network took it off toonami. damn them, those damn people. damn them to hell. their skill is not great.

11. megaman- ok, so my entire life ages 3-7 was video games. the first one was amusing...cutman was my fave. he had little pincer thingies sticking out of his head...hehehe...like a bug.

12. my little pony- when I wasn't playing videogames or getting yelled at, I was playing my my little ponies. ^_^ they were so amusing. I still have some laying around here, in a box...oh wait, there's a little one sitting on one of my dressers. it amused me, so I put it next to my strobe light...

13. roger moore's nipples- ok...let me explain before you run away crying. during the filming of one of the eighties james bond movies, roger moore was required to do some filming in a cave. the cave was filled with water that had an extremely high acidic content...and while he was in there, his nipples got burned off. >:DDDD I'm a freak. I also hated the james bond movies of the eighties ^_~

14. metallica- the old, kick ass stuff, not this new "trendy" BS. I'm talkin' the black album, baby...and justice for all! my babysitter used to listen to those religiously (along with ozzy) and now I love both. I grew up on them, man.

15. stonewashed jeans- oh, man. who hadn't slipped into a pair of these? I was only growing up then, so of course I thought I was really cool when I wore them. what were we thinking? O_O

16. millenium leaper and just dos computers in general- we used to have those things at my school...and millenium leaper was the queer little game we all usedto play during "free-time". later on, it was replaced by oregon trail (all my people always died of cholera...;_;)

17. teddy ruxpin(or however you spell it)- those things freaked me out. my friend had one, and it made me cry. I didn't like the way it looked when it talked. kinda scared the hell out of me.

18. INXS- so sad that the head man killed himself. they were really cool, right up there with the cure. ::sings:: Suicide blonde...oops, probably not right to mention suicide...O_o

19. return of the jedi, last star wars in the original series- ewoks are cool. personally, though the empire strikes back was the best...I am so looking forward to the new ones coming out...episode one! the phantom menace!

20. crossfire- that was that one game with the really gay commercials...the one game that had the little shooter things and metal ball bearings? it sucked. it sucked ass.

21. zelda games- never liked 'em, still don't. I just remember them from back in the day. does anyone else remember a zelda cartoon? I do.

damn you, jimmy hoffa

a scene from FF1. yeah. OK.

22. rubick's cubes- man, those things could take forever. I actually solved one for real once...other than that, you just take the stickers off and re-arrange them. ^____^

23. ripped pants- everyone used to cut holes in the knees or thighs of their pants...why? why was it so cool back then to freeze because there were holes in your pants? it didn't look all that cool either. heh, another stupid trend.

24. really short cutoff shorts with coloured spandex shorts underneath- why?! why I ask you?! what is THIS?! people could be so stupid sometimes...

25. double socks- it used to be all the rage (at least among the girls) to wear two pairs of socks, two different colours. (ex: pink and yellow one foot, yellow and pink the other.) it was kinda odd.

26. banana clips- I had a ton of these things. with little beads and shit on them. they were really cool.

27. side ponytails- it also used to be really, like, trendy if you pulled your hair to the side and put it up in a side ponytail. (once again, just for the girls.) this was my trademark hairstyle all through the eighties...well, not until I was like 5 anyway. that's when my hair grew back from the spiky little do I got when I was 3 ^____^;;

28. smooshies- who could ask for anything more than little animals that they could smash into tiny spaces??? I still have this one christmas ornament that goes on my tree and it says 'merry christmas 1988' on the side. eek. my favourite one was this little bird with green hair that I had. O_O

29. paula abdul- no comment. everyone who lived in the eighties knows who paula abdul is. forever your girl ring a bell? cold hearted snake? straight up? opposites attract?

30. michael jackson and pepsi- these two seem to go inherently in hand, ne? my babysitter (the same one mentioned above who used to listen to metallica and ozzy) had a sister who used to listen to paula abdul and michael jackson religiously. man in the mirror will forever be ingrained in my brain. save me.

31. metroid- there's a trick...can't remember if it's super metroid or metroid...that if you beat it under three hours you can see samus in near to nothing. sure, all the guys thought that was a dandy ending. I thought it sucked because I was a girl gamer. now...if they would show vincent or shitan half-nekked...or perhaps rick from macross...

32. contra- didn't much care for this game...but my aforementioned babysitter (his name is john, I still talk to him and his wife auna) used to play it all the time and throw the controllers at things when he'd get frustrated. hehe. the odd things I remember...that and the bong in his room, and his mother (muriel) yelling at him because he was keeping weed in a tupperware. she wasn't mad he had the stuff, she was just mad that he was dirtying up her tupperware. >:DDDDDDDDD

33. strawberry shortcake- this was awesome. a bunch of little people who were named after various after-dinner desserts. what more could you ask for, people. not a lot.

34. rainbow brite- this was really awesome too. it was like one of those magickal little girl thingies...she had like a pouch full of star shaped sprinkles that made everything colourful. it was one of the trippiest things ever...

35. lady lovelylocks- thanks go to queen vera for helping me remember this one. (I can't believe I forgot, I even had a book and a doll, for the love of vishnu...) but anyways, she had these little hampster thingies that rode in her hair that had really really long colourful tails...but I was always a freak, I liked the bad lady better. (her hair was prettier and she had cuter little hampster thingies..they were evil! after vera reminded me of this one, I ran upstairs and went through my closet looking for the book and doll...O_o;;)

36. ferris bueller- good movie. lovely movie. heh..."SAVE FERRIS"! (which, by the way, is a kick ass band now. I love them, just because they have perky music...good stuff to listen to when you're in "caffeine perk" mood.) and when the dog mauls that prick principal...heh heh >:DDDDD

37. spandex- self explanetory. I think everyone who lived in the eighties wore spandex at one time or another...it was OK to wear spandex then. especially if it was really wild or bizarre colours...eek!

37. crimped hair- ok, so this one's coming back in. but I remember it was like all the rage if you had crimped hair or you got your hair permed into crimps. I was the social outcast...my hair was curly. (until I got old enough to start straightening it...) heh. I used to know like 5 year old kids getting their hair permed. that's scary.

well...that's all the stuff I can think of for right now...but check back every once in a while and there'll probably be more inane ramblings! I do love the eighties, so this page will most likely grow considerably...the pics came from macross.simplenet. a winner is them. anyway...ready to go back to the main dimension?

back to the main dimension

to macross.simplenet (also in the dimension of links)