here are some banners...some are not serious at all...and some are serious. you can use whichever floats your boat. raven and I just went on a banner making spree one night...heh heh. (we don't actually think anyone will want to link to my page...well, hers, yes! mine, no. we just like making banners.) hey, email me!! we'll cross link!! YAYYY!! (I love making new friends...)

mistress nine...err, sailor saturn...err, hotaru tomoe...O_o

here's a serious banner.

it's...EVOLVING!! ::arm motion:: what is THIS??!  (this game had bad emphasis on the wrong words...)

another serious banner. 'tis the porno music game.

OH!!! OH BABY!!! MEEEE-OWWW!! SOMEBODY HAND ME A 20 TO GIVE TO THIS BOY!! yet another serious banner. this is not my picture...and I don't honestly know who drew it. I got it from queen vera's xenogears page...and she lost the link to the page SHE got it from. if you drew it, sorry...-_-;;

can we say, VIAGRA?!this is NOT a serious banner. please don't be offended...I love gay people (in fact, I know a few.) I have nothing against viagra either. but raven and I thought that maybe there was a little something more going on between messala and judah than met the eye...O_O (and "let the dance begin" is the viagra slogan.)

bow chica bow wow...tsst tsst tsst tsst tsst....>:DDDDDDD not serious. heh heh...the resolution sucks...but if you've ever seen a porn...go music. BOW CHICA BOW WOW...

whoa...DUDE!! heh...this is some groovy shit, man...heh heh heh anyways. this is a serious banner. I like it...even though the resolution bites. it's kinda cool...

NELLIE!! OH, I HAVE A COUGH!! OH, IT WENT AWAY!! BWAHAHHAHHHWMMMMMWMGAGA.  OH IT CAME BACK.  >:l this is actually a serious banner, even though only about 3 people out there really understand it. it's got mystery, for those who don't.

look out for elk.  and maybe I'm the afterglow.  and can't you hear the laughter... huh. serious or not? you decide. (like I said...we were just feeling spunky and we were making all these psychotic banners for no reason.)

little a southern town...hominy...get it on a plate, girl...anyways.  drinking is bad.  amara enid says never drink and drive.  (AND I'M SERIOUS.) heh. but seriously folks, drinking is bad. drinking and driving is REALLY BAD. I hope you don't do it...(I actually know someone who died...I was like 4...her name was Heidi Jo. laugh and die.)

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