My crusade against the characters' arms in FF7

OK.....has anyone else noticed that when you're just running around in the game (not during FMVs) that the character design is really bad? I mean, come on! Who REALLY has arms shaped like women's weights?!? Not anyone I know. They look really blocky, and it totally screws up the mood sometimes in the game. Like, the scene where Tifa finds Cloud in Mideel. Right, it WOULD have been touching. The dialog and everything were real nice, and the plot was complete. But during Tifa's sobbing on Cloud's lap (or whatever else she was doing....O_o) I just looking at them thinking, "Damn, they look like people made of sugar cubes!" The people at Sqaure could have taken just a bit more time to at least smooth out the characters' forms, jeez!! At least then I wouldn't find myself laughing everytime Sephiroth raises his arms to the sky. (Aeris Celes's exact words: "HEY! Seph looks like a gimp with women's weights for arms!!!"

Indestructable hair

Aah, yes...I know all you FF7 players have thought this at one time or another. 'Thought what?' you ask? What do these people use to keep their hair so FERKING PERFECT!!!! Yes, that age old question. (I believe Marc Antony first used it when he looked at the Egyptians' perfect wigs. *heehee*) OK, I mean, SHYEAH RIGHT, like anyone could actually get their bangs like that. I think Sephiroth really killed Aeris because she was ripping off his bangs. (It's true! She's got the same bangs style as good ole' Sephy!) Cloud's hair....whoa. What does THIS guy use to keep his hair in that spiky 'do? That one piece that sticks up the farthest....hell, he don't even NEED a sword! He could just head-butt any opponent and spear them nicely on that spike! (Horn? Antler? Frightning weapon disguised as hair?!?) Zack too seems to have been afflicted by this "weapon disguised as hair" syndrome. The back of his hair looks like one of those things that contortionists lie on. Bed of needles. PLUS....just one more thing that's been bothering me. In the Kalm flashback, the one where Seph walks into the flames? OK, we figure the guy uses MUCHO HAIRSPRAY (putting spanish class to good use there..yeah right) to hold his hair in that bang style. So my question is this: Why didn't Seph go up in flames like a human blowtorch?? If that hair got within about 10 feet of open flame, I figure, he'd be good and toasty. (Talk about a firey personality...mweheheheheheeeee....) Oh wait.....another thing. Does anyone else notice that Aeris's bangs look like scythes?? Forget the Princess Guard--who needs that piece of tin when you could decapitate someone with your bangs!

Same Clothing Factor

OK...I just had to throw this one in here. These people wear the same clothing every single day! And I've never seen a laundromat in any of these little towns they stop in! That's GNARLY! ::sticks out tongue:: Jeez...I mean, I can understand the fact that they're on a journey and stuff, but you have to figure the amount of time the game is supposed to span is circa one-two months. Wearing the same clothes for a week while on a journey, yes. Wearing the same clothes for a month while on a journey, NO. That's just plain unhygenic. I wouldn't be surprized if they all had lice and ticks and leeches attatched to them by the end of the trip...

Vincent is God

Hello, my name is AerisCeles, and I'm a Vincentaholic. ::chourus of bored voices: "Hi AerisCeles":: Vincent is the most wonderful, studly video game guy ever. He is that it makes me sad...;_; I dig the whole goth thing he has going on, I love that cape and that hair! But the best is that claw...oh lordy, that's so KAWAII!!! Well, you probably think I'm a freak now...but trust me, there are others like me! (ever seen QueenVera's Vinny shrine?? It's on the main page of links...) We are a whole LEGION of Vincent Valentine afficiandos! We're like the Roman Empire, except stronger! We're here to convert you all to Valentinism. ::eyes go all psycho and hypnotic:: will love WILL love MUST love Vincent...!!! ::goes to worship at her mini Vincent shrine::

badadadada...we all knew they want each other...

Hey baby...check out these FF7 links

Cid Jr.'s House: This is the most comprehensive Cid Highwind shrine on the net! (and a cool character like him deserves it!!) This site is home to the awesome fic "Children of Jenova". Go. NOW.

OH NO! Not another Final Fantasy 7 page!: This guy can write, lemme tell you. Or wait....actually, why don't you go there and see for yourself? Email Frank and tell him what a great author he is too.

~Lex's Page/Paradox Headquarters: Some Funny FF7 stuff....and some other funny non-FF7 stuff. Go here now, before I hunt you down and put a cap in your ass...JUST KIDDING! (been spending too much time around Barret...sheesh..)

IcyBrian's FF7 fanfics: Some pretty good ones here...."Twisted" is a really good one...

Minako's Fanart: Talk about ARTIST!! Some kick-ass drawings here...(My personal fave...Aeris turning down Seph's kiss...kawaii!!!)