This would be the room of gifts/awards. Yay. I am such a retard. Indeed, retarded like the supernatural motion from the side notes in "The Ancient Mariner"... Riiiight. About 2.3 people out there got that one. OK, so why don't you just go down there and look at the awards and stuff, and stop reading this? I mean, have you people ever known me to spurt out anything semi-intelligent in these dumb page-intoduction-thingees? No, I bet not...

oOoO...ewan...*droooolllsiees*...thank you, my darling bretia...mwahahahah!!!  ...come, let us corrupt some priests...bwAhAaha~~...


mutso mesk to je suis josef...he creates such beautiful things for me...this is to get me pumped for when I go to see tori...~~!


yet another beautiful thing from the mind of je suis josef!


tuxedo mask does too much for me...including making my productions banner!  aaiieie...thankees...


this is a lovely reminder to update sent to me by elizabeth...her intelligent equation was something along the lines of 'updation, no spazation'.  she said this was what happened when I didn't update...people went crazy.  or they turned into thom yorke from radiohead...^_^


this should really go to ms. kate wang, whose stories surpass mine in all ways imaginable...this is for her, it meant so much to her.  I guess I could say I took it away.  I'm so sorry, kate.