Know what's really sad? I'm Romanian and I don't even think I spelled mutso mesk right. What a dork I am. But hey, when you don't actually speak your home language fluently...what are you to do? Heh. This is the Thanks page. Yes, I know it's all depressing looking...but it really is a happy place. I swear to whatever your god is that it is a happy place. Ah, hell, just see below. The names are in no particular don't be upset if you are behind someone or something.


yes indeed, happy items.  Um...I guess you could come here, see your name, and be happy?  I don't know.  I just thought the picture was was either this or


Thanks to: Setsuna, Tuxedo Mask, Nelle, Thaliabeans, Senor D (with a tilde over the N!), Bethy, Sair, Julia McGregor (Heh heh), Ankokshin, Kit, Je Suis Josef, Citizen R, my "brother", Spike, Tori Amos, Annie, Etcetera, Squaresoft, M . SN . C, The HQ, Vera, katz, Slinky, Laaa-ceeeeey, all of the members of my "country" (which I will create, someday...), anyone who has ever complimented me on my site or my fics, Deona, Erika (YOUR ART IS GREAT! MUST PUT ON SITE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE...I mean, my site), The Preserver, Tripod (maybe), Ashlea, Danielle, Pandora, You (Whoever is looking at this; you've come to Silence and Death and that's something to thank you for!), SarAAAAH, Conner, Auna, Johnie, Maureen, the other Danielle, Kevin, Katz again, Mommie (HEEHEE!), and anyone else I've forgotten that I haven't added...I can't remember all...


That's everyone. I think. I hope.


. . .t h a n k e e. . .


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