Alright folks, here we gehen. I'm back on the rant train.

(Insert crowds of people screaming and running here.)

Smut. We've all had it poke itself into our lives when we run a search, and have a bunch of porn sites come back instead of what we really searched for. And we've cursed and kicked and said, "God damnit, stupid freaking pervos and their damnable porno sites! Stay out of my search inquiries!" (Or who knows. Maybe you were searching for smut, in which case, you probably were happy.)

Yes, smut is out there. Yes, sometimes it can be annoying. But should we eradicate it? No.

I don't really care. I've seen some smut. Some of it's OK, and some of it leaves you rolling on the floor in front of your computer in gales of laughter. Some of it just makes you go "Ew. Ew. My retinas are ceasing to function." Some of it leaves you numb and not affected at all. And believe it or not, some of it actually leaves you saying, "Hey, that was actually pretty good."

There are authors out there who can write smut and make you like it. They're not just randy people who sit around and write a bunch of ignorant, awful smut so they can get off on it. These are people who have written before, proved they can write and that they can write *well*, and then they do smut as well. They can actually have a smut story with character development, plot, and readability. Their stories aren't just 2 page explosions into hilariously sexual situations, but instead sometimes 30 through 40 through Big Number pages. And when I say hilariously sexual, I mean two people who walk up to each other and just start going at it in the middle of a bus or something ridiculous like that. I don't know about you, but I sure as hell don't walk up to guys and jump on their dick as soon as I meet them.

There are probably people who are sitting out there going, "But it's corrupting our children! It's turning my innocent son into a serial rapist! It's turning my innocent daughter into the nymphomaniac of the town!" You people out there who have children have the right to watch your kid surf. You have the right to block them from going to places you don't want them to go to. And I'm not necessarily for any of that sort of censorship, but it's your right. I just feel sorry for your kids. They're going to find out sooner or later that babies do not come from the stork. If you don't want your kid to see that stuff, then be a parent.

I personally believe that it is the choice of the viewer to see what they want to see. I'm not saying 5 year olds should be reading Gundam Wing yaoi fics at 3 in the morning. There has to be some sort of limit, I acknowledge that. I'm not one of those stupid hashed-out people who run around screaming dumb shit like "Porn should be free! Everyone should get to see Pamela Anderson's tits! Yeah!" But there is a point when many people become mature enough to view things, and they're under the age of 18. If these people can handle it and not go whining to mommy about it, or let it warp their mind, then let them see it.

I believe that if you're viewing sexually oriented material, and you're under 18, it's fine if you can handle it. But do the world a favour and don't go running around advertising it. So many times I see a person I think is at that level of not-18-maturity, and then they start posting/sending things like "It's so cool that I'm under 18 and I can still look at stuff like this and not get in trouble!" That just brings you right back down to the child level. You *can* get in trouble, and so can the nice people who have been letting you look at their stuff, purposely or not purposely. Look and don't say anything, OK? Except maybe to your closest circles.

And don't be one of those people who starts messing up in school, or smoking weed, or *whatever* and instead of taking responsability for it, blames it on the Big Bad Internet. You people who do that are the reasons for AOL.

(That was really mean. I didn't mean that say anything *that* mean.)

Smut can coexist with the rest of the world peacefully, if only we'd let it. Smut is OK, people. Someone doesn't have to look at it everyday and visit porn sites to think smut is OK, so don't think I'm some horny little waif who's just trying to justify herself to get rid of guilt. I don't have to read porno magazines to not care about them. I don't have to go to the sites with the nekked pictures of girls screwing dogs and stuff like that to simply ignore their presence if I don't want to see them. It's as simple as that. If you don't like it, ignore it. The reason the internet is such a smut wellspring is because it's been chased away from everything else in life. Media, books, life, *everything*. Every little bit of passion and sensuality that's been chased out of everyday life has pooled together and created the Online Porn World.

Hate it? Try to destroy it? Well, just remember, in a weird way, you helped to create those sites with the evil anime tentacle sex going on.

Have a nice day.