amara decides to take blurry, psuedo-scary photos a la blair witch project.  oh my god!  it's her front yard!  we're going to die out here, by her front door!



***august 4*** before we get much older~ I AM SO SO SORRY.
I feel like such a fuck for not updating in forever and leaving all you poor people hanging. I wanted to update, I really did. It's just that life got suddenly complicated this summer, and I've been doing my best to just stay afloat and alive. Real Life can blow me, you know? As weird as it sounds, I might actually have more time to do stuff for this place and you people as soon as classes resume.
To all you nice people who emailed me, checking up on me, whatever--thanks. I'm still alive, and still in the game. Don't be scared!
I added two parts to PGY. And I changed the link of the month, if anyone cares. Yeah, freakin' long in the coming, eh? I'm so dead tired right now I could collapse. Wanted to add a lot more, but don't have the energy. I have to be up in like seven hours. AUGH. I'm just glad I at least got those two parts up. They're sort of...I don't know. It just doesn't seem to me that they fit in with the rest of PGY very well. Bleh. Well, whatever...I'm also working on Before They Were, my much neglected FF7 fic from the First Glance trilogy. Quality time with computer is scant. It's mostly quick little BS.


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