you may see some of this stuff floating around on my page...I got a lot of them from various sites, which you will see listed on my list o' links. (beware...the majority of this stuff came from a page entirely in japanese. you'll have to fend for yourself...cuz I won't fend for you! and then...a lot of these things were given to me by mi amiga raven. bwaa...) now with music. heh. if you don't like it, turn the volume down on your computer, don't email me complaining. (some peope have done that...whiners.)

nay... evil ,nothing but pure evil. I lurk in this evil daily.

insert porn music here look! it's aya brea from Parasite Eve! (goooo boss game!)even if her name is really stupid (aya brea? say it a few times out loud. O_O) the game is still groovy.


spiny... hey...who remembers these suckers from FF7?? I do! (::snort:: they pissed me off. the little buggers could be really hard to kill!)


sair...are you seeing this? HEY! on my main adopted chocobos...the green's OPHELIA! run Ophelia, run!


there I am...'s one of my counterparts! aaw...aerith is so kawaii!


aaw... for you ignorant people out there who don't regognize this kawaii little person, it's Rinoa Heartilly. she's from the upcoming FF8. (Gods, I wish that game was out!)


 why does she run a bar if she's not even old enough to drink? it's Tifa! and she's even making a little drink! aaw! ::dies from overexposure to cuteness::


::fanfan:: OH BABY! OH MY VISHNU! it's VINCENT! The KING of kawaii!! aah!! Vincent! ::falls to her knees and worships the almighty God Vincent:: I'm not worthy...I'm not worthy...


aah! sorta money, when she's not swiping your materia or pulling an amazing technicolour yawn on the airship. she makes for good comic relief. ( my game, I named her 'Sephiroth'. it got pretty funny when everyone started talking about hating Seph, and then Yuffie would say something like "let's go kill sephiroth" and that was her name! ::laughs like a maniac::)


O_O eee! it's Squall Leonhart from FF8! heh...Rinoa above is supposedly Squall's woman...hmm...maybe I should have put them together, ne?


skipskipskip AAH! who had hello kitty toys as a child...come on, don't lie! I had tons, still do!


boy george of amphibians it's that one frog/newt/amphibious thing that hello kitty is always hanging out with! keroppi! (::psst:: what IS he?? she?? ambigous amphibious it!)


the cheesiest rigatoni, fettucini, ziti or spaghetti, ravioli, manacoti, shells and tortellini...macaroni is the best, when it's cooked on stovetop...HEY MACARONI!!! (aye!)


tenchi! aah...ryoko! she's boss looking. I wish I had that hair...and those powers wouldn't be bad either...heh heh


dedo screm this is a really crappy resolution anigif of sailorpluto doing her "dead scream" attack. (I love that attack...) I am going to try and find a better resolution...and perhaps a larger one.


wat teh fuk iz thiz this is a pretty good resolution GIF of sailorneptune doing her "deep submerge" attack. (once again, man, do I wish I had that hair!) it's kinda small...gomen. sailorneptune is my favourite..hehe.


crack kills aaw...ryo-ohki! the cute cabbit that turns into a armed flying ship! heehee...I love tenchi!


he's telling you to kill your parents... well, well, well...look who 'tis...he dropped in for some tea and a crumpet the other day...


whip it...and whip it good! well...not much is known about this lady, but she is the newest chara in FF8. she's a teacher or some such shit at GARDEN...heh, she reminds me of scarlet...¬_¬


go to see the rest of the beautiful crassities...