OK...let's start off with my mostest favouritest, VINCENT!! ::droooooool:: around some parts, he is known as shnookums...but he's still Vincent!! what's not to love, I inquire of you? the hair, the eyes, the claw...the expertise with weapons of's all a girl could ever ask for! and I wouldn't mind sleeping in a coffin! no sir! (and/or mam, better to not have the feminists chasing me about screaming curses) he's just so damn cuddly. I guess there's something about tormented souls that get me going. that and when he is a Turk...the suit does him justice! he looks (what the hell kind of lame description is THAT?!) anyways. I sound like a I had better put something more "teenager-esque" in here. HE'S GOT A CUTE BUTT!! (not like you ever see it, but hey...I can dream, correct?)(now if only I could get rid of this "Lucrecia" chic...she can't possibly hold a candle up to my charming wit and my sparkling personality...and my ever lovable waifish looks! -_- nay ...who am I kidding?! ::sobs::)

alrighty, next on silence and death's little bishounen parade is none other than Shitan Uzuki!(or Hyuuga Rikudo...whatever spanks your monkie. bwahaha)so, once again, what is NOT to love about this guy?! he is sooooo hot...and smart...and he's got mystery...and in other words...I WANT HIM!!! (::broken sobbing:: why can't SQUARE men be real?! WHY?! why god...?) that and he looks soooo much like OZZY...and i love OZZY...nee...::has a fainting spell:: ::wakes up:: I can't help myself, I'm talking too much about all these ADORABLE men! ::grins like an idiot::

"Well, Doctor Citan Uzuki! Feels like you have sacked your saccules, and tickled your utricles enough for one life time!"~Shitan (grr american name bad! no citan!!)waaaiii!! handsome, intelligent, and with a sense of humour too?! square...damn you for making girls like me fall helplessly in love with VG guys...#_#...there will be pics here soon for all you girlsies like me to ogle..but for now..just get the mental image, OK? is Tamahome from fushigi yuugi!! (hey wow...and the seiyuu who does his voice does Fei's in Xenogears...and Fei knows Shitan...aaahahahaha) b-da...I love his voice. it is soooo tres sexy and manly...and I like his hair isbluueeeee...azul...umm, blue in some other language...heh, too bad I was too young when I left romania to learn any of the language. I would be saying, "blue" right now. anyways. damn you, miaka!! he doesn't love you!! and he sure as hell doesn't want to be your protector!! HE WANTS ME!! HE WANTS ME BAD!!oh sure amara...he wants your ever so sexy WAIF body...and your inanity...::slaps self::


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