Warning: Random fruitalicious content spattered about this whole asinine excuse for a Sub-division page. o.O Did that make sense? No. MY RANTS. BEWARE.

I wish I was a little bar of soap (bar of soap) I wish I was a little-- ::notices people staring::...erm. Hello there. O_O

Yes, Bless You.  I love you guys!  Lovelovelovelove...::kiss::  And bless those dollies too!  Nellie says so!OK, show of hands, who is scared by the main dimension of silence and death alone?? guess what kiddies, it only gets worse from here on in. (I'm beginning to think this site needs a rating...like, "No small mammals or pregnant hippies allowed." Or not. -_-;;;)


but you know folks, I'm not really crazy. no sirree, I am actually a genius!! I have studied with the likes of Krelian and Hojo, and...dammo. I think I just scared away about half of the people who were patiently sitting on the floor in a little circle, waiting for story time. but I digress. Anyways, do you kids know what this page is really about?!(do any of you care?)It's a place for my inane rants and raves. run while you still can...there are links below to separate pages of rants and raves, and even further down, there's just a list of random thoughts that's updated every once in a while. have fun...and try not to be swayed by my psychotic opinion.


Please don't ask.  I haven't a clue...this was made a long time ago, and I just like the way it looks...little random bits of insanity plunked in there for good measure...  *-*  Don't look at it too closely, you might end up like ::gasp:: ME!


The bishounen rant. Say hello, I'm a 5 year old on crack who is in love with lots of guys. ^_^

Assorted yet deep rants. I'm proud of them. I actually like them a lot.

The FF7 rant. It's my first major one subject rant. Be proud of me...I need the moral support.

"Give me religion and a lobotomy." Or, Music and Religion.

Profanity abound.Or, the rant that was on the main page for a few weeks and scared the ants out of everyone.

Let's Talk About Sex, Baby. Or, smut on the internet and why it's okie dokie.

Old School Is Dead. Live With It. Or, Amara gets tired of people bashing Square.


OK, now that we're done with all that scheiss, we can move on to other things. this is the assorted goodies section...grab bag...what ever you want to call it. there's stuff here. like what, I don't know. how about tea? do you like tea? I like tea. especially ocha. it is sooooo groovy...especially with honey. lots and lots ofHONEY!!!!

b-daaaaaa...and why DO we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?! no one has been able to answer this...(well, Mr. Billy Lee Black ((meeee-oww!!)) came close...but it wasn't quite satisfactory...) and other things that bother me, like

-if people say, "everyone is unique" then we aren't really unique, are we?? because everyone else is unique...and that makes us all the same in our uniqueness...

-why import CDs or albums cost so much. an import of a tori amos CD was like, 25 bucks!!! IT'S STILL A CD, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! just because it was made in zimbabwe or manchuria or where ever doesn't make it special...(hey wait, does manchuria even exist anymore? dammo.)

-do you scratch an itch or do you itch an itch?! ARGH.

-why is it up to the church to excommunicate people?! I mean, wouldn't that be "god"'s job? church officials are only mortal, after all...heh...anne of the thousand days..."I am the king of england and I will have it my way!!" excommunication...

-why is it that as people get older they start to smell weirder? no seriously...why is that?

-where DID sephiroth's glove go during the death of aeris scene? did he want to show everyone his beautiful skin or something?

-titanic. ick. that's all I have to say for that one...why did he sink? did he have cement on his feet or something? dead bodies don't SINK, mr. cameron. you ass. they bob, complacently in the water. was jack involved with the mafia...did he piss the wrong people off?

-why can't I use the word "queer" as a description, like it was originally meant to be? (like, "what a queer position!" as in..."what an odd position!") BUT no...everyone has to be like, "nay! tsk, amara...do not use such language!!" grrrrrr.

-umm...something else that I forgot.


well. since I don't have anything else to rave about today, hows about you head back to silence and death to frolic?as I KNOW you all do...when I'm not around...you love my page, right?! RIGHT?!!!! argh. who am I kidding...::sobs:: aaaghh...I am so wretched...I am a milksop...and lucifer will never love me...wait, that was a milkMAID...not a milksop...AUJBDKISHBDFKHVSFGAIKUAS!!!!! ^*&$^$@^(*^&(^%#@!~~!!!!! *-*

go back to the main dimension, JUDAH!! MESSALA, YOU WILL PERISH!! I'M AGUNNA RUN YER SORRY CARCASS OVER WITH THIS HERE CHARIOT...mm...BOYS FOR PELE...FIREFIREFIRE...FIRE GODDESS...PELE...NYAAAAAH I CAN FIRE WALK AND YOU CAN'T...IT IS FUN...JHFIUAGFIGIASUGFOhsdoilaghslfvakudfiuqgeitr98yiuKjhkH982Y49872984YUGIOUhiddenmessage!!!IROIWERUT890UEROHGNOISWEHRT0WU4R0helloagain!!!jht908y29hHU0974T0YORHT98OWY398....um. go back now, sinner. before I excommunicate you...you cad...you base knave...you foot-licking wretch.