Fiction. So there.


Well, I decided I wanted to start writing just straight up fiction, stuff that isn't created by Sqauresoft or whoever...but me. Yes, all this junk comes straight out of my warped little mind, and yes, this is what will come out of long hours of boredom and odd music. OK, I don't think any of you out there would try to steal these pathetic ideas, but I think in light of recent things happening to people I know I should put a copyright or something. THESE ARE MINE, DAMNIT! Steal them and face the wrath of a very angry waif. Namely me! All these are by me, Amara Enid. So there. Have fun. And eat your vegetables.


Nowhere to There--Alright, my first work of original fiction besides Relay, and currently the only thing in here. This is actually the only thing I've ever written that I really, truly like. There are plenty of mistakes. I can't quite remember, but I think I change tenses I couple times. It's supposed to be him, narrating through his mind as things happen. That doesn't make any sense to you. Oh, hell, why don't I stop rambling and why don't you read it? There. That sounds like a good idea.


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