SEE!!! I told ye they would be back...they returned...and aren't they cuuuuute?!  ::coff:: hee~!'m going to say it again...HER HANDS ARE ON BOTH OF THEIR SHOULDERS!!!! WAHAHAHH...she loved vinny too...she's secretly a skank at heart...  o.O

here, among the dead plants and whatnot, we have the artistic wing of silence and death. actually, it's the wing of incredibly bad writing, but you can just ignore that harsh fact ^_^;;; can anyone tell I am less than an HTML wizard? unlike *SOME* people I know...nellie...::cries:: well, since this is the section of my page that I am known for, I'd better put some sort of disclaimer or something here. I did not do any of this for profit. I did do these myself. if thou steals them, thou will suffer tremendously when the webmistress finds you. and she will, make no mistake. if ye like me...( I sit around and wait for my email thing to fill up. seriously, I do. that is how little of a life I have. ::cries::


my fanfiction

relay (my RPG)

tangerine velvet poetry lounge

my original fiction

..lyrical square..


run, rabbit run...dig that hole...forget the sun...

a friendly reminder that you can't ever really leave.


back to the main dimension (QUICK!! RUN!!!)