and I fell far*through the daisies*where were you*so weak this bond is it's breaking*trying not to hurt too bad*but in the end you're a razor

Alright, here's the lyrical section. I just up and decided one day that I wanted to create more work for myself and split the TVPL into ..LS.. Oh well. I'm just weird like that. That up there on the marquee? That's a song I wrote called It Hurts. You'll never see the rest of it. I never finished it...the rest never came. So I was left with only half a song. Dammo. I hate it when that happens. So anyways, all the same disclaimers and copyrights apply to these puppies. Yes, I realize my lyrics are redundant, most mention God, Monarchs, History, Flowers, or Fruits. Some also mention drugs or booze. I'm a freak. If you get sick of it, hit the back button or go down to the very bottom where you'll find links back to where ever.



31 flavours like Momma made

Kiwi Mango Strawberry Fudge

You once took a trip to Moscow

With your Daddy and you got lost

Looking at Grandpa's pocketwatch

Sometimes being a child is worse

Than being treated like one

If you spill the cake on the floor

No one will want to

Kiwi Mango Strawberry Fudge

You used to read your little picture books

Now it's Economics and Tzars

Guess like Humpty you fell off that wall

And do you sometimes feel like you're


Even though the water's cold you love it

Kiwi Mango Strawberry Fudge

One day your cousin and your neighbour Angela

Pushed you into the pool during your mother's party

Sometimes being a child is worse

Than being treated like one

Kiwi Mango Strawberry Fudge



I never claimed to be Constantine

Maybe you think I did

But open the door and let me out

I never tried to be a mother

Even when you cried to me in the November Evenings

Can't they try to put it under the rug

Because you asked politely.

I drove in the rain

Cherry red against grey

Screaming like a choir member

You took your tickets out of my money

But I always had to pay my own.

No one cared, I guess

The dress was pink

And I had Forget-me-Nots

But you weren't at the wedding

Something non-descript

What we have

It's there

All the angels and martyrs in Heaven know it

I remember things like you

On Sunday Mornings

And the jelly you like

I can't ever get your toast right.

She's better than this


Better for you.



King of Hearts, slow your stride

Think of all the tears she's cried

She's a young girl

And she needs a true friend.

Drop your gun and hear the cry

Freedom rings on the Western Front

She is that which is faint

but red is her pretty flag.

She'll wave it over her garden if you say so.

Sit between Lucifer and the Lady of The Lake

spin your tunes and write your novel.

Be not callous to the Spring Faeries

For frailty, thy name be woman.

Green is black but red is darker

and thought is somewhere in between

Trip through those Daisies

Leave the prettiest roses

and above all, pick the Maiden Posies

Drip your words with double meaning

To better describe what you see--

She is but a young girl

She doesn't care if they're coming

Be in the smoke, forest and trees

Mind the butterflies and yellow bees.

Take off your hat and stay for tea

Bow to her now, she's your innocent Queen.

You're the King of Hearts with a magick voodoo

Change her autumn to spring, then do it all again.



The older they get

The more mistakes they make

But they sure as hell don't need

Your help


Or God's


Bury me deep in the dirt

With God.

He pushes up marigolds

And the bluebells and azaleas

Dainty heather that girls named

Margaret, Angie, and Lucy

Wear in their hair

Tell those girls in their parades

They don't have to grow up

None of us do really

You dare tell me what I am

God that hurts and pains

He pushes up the marigolds you know

Boy of course you did

He pushes them through me.



Guiding Star

Painful scar

Princess in overalls who lived nextdoor.

Why why why is it so

You knew you were always

Annelise, princess

My dear Annie

You loved your books and you loved your paints

And you danced barefoot in the Angelow River

It wasn't really a river

But we thought so

Annelise, princess

My dear Annie

We ate pancakes and I was

Elizabeth and you were

Joan of Arc

And maybe inbetween we'd do chores

Choir practice on Wednesday nights

Annelise, princess

My dear Annie

It seemed like God liked you more

You went to Prom and you got a car

Swore you saw faeries

Try not to cry too hard

Annelise, princess

My dear Annie

Forever remembered as she

Who dared to chase the guiding star

Through the forest

Bear the painful scar

Annelise, princess

My dear Annie.



Empty rooms

Boy you always liked

Yeah you liked them better

7th floor jitters

And sequin dress twitters

Your excuses are moth bitten.

My faith is going up in smoke

Boy yeah you liked them better

Tell me now who you thought you were

How long you thought I'd have stones

In my mouth

Out tumbles a dagger and a match.

7th floor jitters

And sequin dress twitters

I'm feeling a little pyromania.

Full moons do funny things

And Scarlett O'Haras make things clearer

This Southern Comfort is no more.

Try to understand,

Honey sweet pea

I'm not her and I listen only to me.

I've got tickets to L.A

Or somewhere out west

Honey this red dress calls someone

Else's name.

7th floor jitters

And sequin dress twitters

Your 8th floor apartment's in flames.



Her eyes were the colour of a

Starfruit cocktail

Yeah and her words were a

Pineapple promise.

Nothing else in the free world

Is sugar coated except her

Boy you can't see straight

She's no coquette

She's no innocent either

She lives outside your dreams


Be followed

Billy, because you can't cry yourself

To sleep anymore.

I see Starry Night in your eyes

Do you see it in your dreams too?


In your dreams

She outlines her eyes in

Lavender sparkles

And she wears her boots with


She's got a permanent throne

In your head.

Boy you can't think straight

Boy do you cling to your old ways?

Act now think later

Because you don't really need to think.


Dreams are dreams

And fruit falls off trees.



Learn to love the night

You'll soon miss it when it's gone.

Moons and stars are better than


Shinier than pearls

And drift in a sea of ink

Day hates a dreamer

Day hates faith

So lie about it.

This is the House where Day Breaks

Always be afraid

Day doesn't just break

It shatters.



Little jars of jellied wisdom

Honey they don't keep long

A marriage in Omaha

Sixteen new reasons for you to cry

I break my stones on the Widow's Walk

And Mrs. Conell pours green tea

Keep watching honey

Cause he's never coming home.

I know in your free time

You wear those little girl's

Pointe shoes

Chili pepper red

Sounds good to me.

Little jars of jellied wisdom

Open them on my Widow's walk

Information and knowledge

They taste good on bread

Yeah but the aftershock is hell

Maybe girl we need a little lie

Little lies

Little lies in pies

Get so tired of truth

Especially when it tears

We drink our tea on our

Widow's Walks while

Tsunamis rip up the east

Someone told me me girl you don't

Believe in ghosts

Wake up honey

There's one at your door

Well la dee daa

Kill the violets awake

Kiss the tulips goodnight

Pina Colada isn't a flower

But it's a state in your mind

Well la dee daa

Little jars of jellied wisdom

On Widow Walks of fame.




Who's crying now

Try not to hear

As the beads spill to the floor

Why the pain

Tread lightly when you step.

Is it time

The candles have burned low

Are you hollow

Have you found your Cloud Nine

Feel the floor now

And try not to be




I wake up early again

I'm dirty and confused again

Except maybe I'm not so dirty

Blink Blink through the cloudy sun

I pick up my violin

In my pretty white evening gloves

And my evening dress

I start to pick my way

Through the grain again

Amidst the grey sky and tiny flowers

And I wonder

Wichita to Newton

Only an hour's drive

Funny how clumsy I am

Sometimes I get lost

Funny how sometimes I am sort of lost

Maybe I need your map

Yes maybe I need your map

Sometimes you know I'd catch you

But boy sometimes you're just downright rude

So I guess that leaves me

In the fields again

So I guess I went too far again

Wichita to Newton

Only an hour's drive

Funny how clumsy I am

Would you believe I'm lost once more

The cops round here get real uptight

Guess that's why they don't like me

Oh and it's true

I'm perfectly rotten sometimes

Pot call the kettle black, boy

I'm a kinfe and you're salt then

But this is pretty rude boy

Thought you'd catch me

Was wrong again

Wichita to Newton

Only an hour's drive

Funny how clumsy I am

I think it's your fault I'm lost again.



If I decided today that you didn't matter to me anymore it wouldn't be the same as my own free will because I have none focus on a smaller point and I've come to understand that you're my enemy which I find odd knowing it wouldn't be the same as my others on my knees wondering where all the blue butterflies went away in the winters to Vegas focussing on a smaller point because now I won't stop driving for anyone who believes this is all a game to me or you or anyone else involved while green roadsigns scream for my attention I bask in someone else's glow or someone else's afterglow floating clinging lost giggling with sticky fingers thank you oreo and grenadine if you think things are out of control maybe you should try it while driving late at night and see how you like it then because I do things are bland rash and hectic no one can look me in the eye in this one street town and we're all looking for somewhere to crashland.



Sliding backwards

And if you've ever felt out of control

I laugh at you

Fall to your knees on my watermelon lawn

In the Court of the Lip Gloss Queen

So take you and your little

White mice dreams

Take them away from this Queen.

My jewels glitter lik tropical fruits

Fuzzy like peach

They're blinding

She deserved it--that whore

You and your Nausicaa

Sing your showercurtain love songs

To deserting muses in June

If those are my buttons you're pressing

Die on your knees in the Court

Of the Lip Gloss Queen.


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back to winter garden