set the mood and set it right

t a n g e r i n e . v e l v e t . l o u n g e

here's my little dimension of poetry...not much right now, because I don't really think the rest of them are good enough to post. but anyways, tell me what you think about these little buggers...( and please keep in mind, they're pretty much all so sad because I am a manic-depressive person (read: I go from extremely happy to extremely sad in the blink of an eye) so be gentle when you tell me they suck, ok? hehe...just kidding! tell me whatever you think...flames and compliments are accepted with a big smile and a coquettish giggle. hey, it's attention. (and by the way, I don't think any of you would steal any of these, I love you all, but just so you know, these are copyright me, amara enid. so there ^_~) I moved all the lyrics to their own special little section, so if you're missing them, haul yourself over there to look at them.



endless lake
black like the clouds Indra does make
no light
darkness forever assails my sight
Of my defenses I have been stripped
and now into a storm the cloud are whipped
Neverending fight
for a familiar shore in the everlasting night
The waves that pound over my head
no doubt won't stop until I'm dead
Swimming until the end
until my limbs strength will no longer defend
I cry out to whoever will listen
as I sink below the dark waters that glisten
Swirling down in a current strong
I can already hear the holy Preserver's call
And now under the dark waves that do calm
to my most welcomed death I do fall.



No blood runs in these veins
There is no heart to feel the pains
There is no warmth to ease the cold
There are no tears these eyes can hold
Perfectly fine, but yet not whole
Absent of dreams, mind and soul.



often dreaming of absurd things
flights of fancy upon dragon's wings
eating a slice of moon
falling in love with a flower, listening to faeries croon
melting into the deep lilac sea
being chased by millions then realizing it's only me
taking to the sky in weightless flight
drinking a goblet full of night
climbing a stairway to heaven
dancing with trolls and their breathen
climbing a vine into the china white clouds
beautiful rainbows woven into death shrouds
the guardian of time and her tears of jewels
gardens and festivals and merrymaking fools
neptune and it's emerald green waters
the goddess of memory and her nine blushing daughters
falling through Reality, deep and black like a lake
dawn being apollo, my dreams being delphi's snake



The children play
and the green grass sways
enjoying the Sunday Silence.
The older children talk on the porch
out of the sun that does scorch
maturing through the Sunday Silence.
The sky is perfectly blue
and promises ring true
typical of the Sunday Silence.
Faint rumbling felt through the ground
feet stepping uneasily at the sound
threatening the Sunday Silence.
The children look to the east
the rumbling grows louder, something's been released
trembling now is the Sunday Silence.
The planes roar over the azure sky
smoke staining it like sooty dye
tainting the Sunday Silence.
Soldiers parachute from the skies
bombs go off, there are frightened cries
shattering the Sunday Silence.
Here come the tanks, roaring over the hills
the outsides made of iron, like the assaulters' wills'
crushing the Sunday Silence.
The foot troops march swift behind the tanks
Death and Pain in league among their ranks
fleeing now is the broken Silence.
The wall of oppressors moves quickly past
away from the site of the initaial blast
stepping over the Sunday Silence.
The once green ground is black and laid to waste
dead bodies lie, shot in haste
mournful is the Sunday Silence.
Unseeing eyes turned to the black clouds
there's no one alive to cover them with shrouds
keening in misery is the Sunday Silence.
The land of these dead people is fading fast
more and more troops killed with each blast
weakening the Sunday Silence.
And woe to those who live in the west
for dead now are all the rest
settling over the land is the eternal Sunday Silence.



The wall's moving again--it slithers and writhes--
Oh, why is it buzzing again? I thought I got rid of the hives!
Oh my friend, wait!
Not buzzing, it's that music I hate
Oh well, nothing to do but dance and tell the wall to stop
Whirl twirl spin dip whirl dip oops here comes the drop
When did the ceiling get so hard to see?
Hi, how are you, my name used to be Emmie.
Not my name anymore, the sky took it away
Why am I lying on the floor? It's so cold, like purple clay
I made an earth out of purple clay last week
and I yelled at it when the stars were at their peak
so then the sun rose
that's not true, I was told by Joe
Joe says I was lucky and it was just time for dawn.
Not true! NO! I made it happen! I buried Joe in the lawn.
I got yelled at. But the stars didn't come into the sky.
Which proves it--I'm a princess--me! me! me! I!
I can make things happen. I savoured the foul nature of innocence lost.
Beware the princess--she destroys galaxies when crossed!
Joe was my toothbrush.
Time is something that goes slow but needs to be rushed.
I'm still on the floor.
The sun isn't moving! I want more!
The princess is screaming at Heaven's Vault.
Stupid floor, stupid wall, stupid Emmie. Joe is at fault.
I want to dance again.
The princess rules the universe, and we are all in a story, penned.



Falling through Time and its infinite loop
into Reality's embrace
Funny how in the darkness
things seem more pristine and with grace.

The hours are chiming now
In the distance someone opens a door
and as the clock strikes the hour of twelve
It becomes evident what's in store.

Standing alone on Sorrow's plain
Pity is the fog that creeps low
Fleeting remembrances of normality pass
Regret is putting on a show

More finite now comes the resound of the clock
More oppressive seems the gloom
Somewhere a broken echo of a soul leaps
To a more realistic doom.



Turning over rock
ripping up hedge
not knowing how far I've come
or when exactly I fell off the edge.

Reality for me has ceased to exist
replaced by animalistic craze
my rabid, religious devotion
puts me in an oblivious haze.

Maybe even now people are calling me
begging me to stop my rage
times have changed, no one cares
time to face the music and turn the page.

Psychotic delusion drives me on
to a horizon I will never reach
an embrace I will never feel
a barrier I will never breach.



I only know where I'm going.
I only know my own truths.
I know my name.
I know everything.
Hands on the walls, one foot in front of the other
Egotistical delusions of victory.
I fell into the pit, fell far and long.
I only knew where I was going.
I only knew my own truths.
I only knew my name.
I only was God for a time.



Please don't touch the sky, it breaks easily.
Please don't reach for your dreams, we don't want to pay Workman's Comp. because you hurt yourself.
Please don't reach for the stars, they tend to fall easily because they're misaligned.
The time for philosophers and romantics and hope and ideas has been ushered away.
Stay behind the red lines, and don't touch the glass that surrounds happiness.
Everything has a price these days.



My ear is infected.
it happens every few months or so.
I don't really clean my piercings
like I should.
I pierced my own ears.
Now I'm listening to Jeremy.
It's about a boy
who goes crazy
and kills himself
in front of his class.
I thought about doing that once.
Right now I'm viewing webpages
that are better than mine
and drinking tea.
Tea that isn't really tea
but instead a mix of
artificial flavours and chemicals.
Earlier I printed out a Xenogears picture
that really cracks me up.
I had to work earlier too.
When I refilled the salsa containers
I spilled it all over the place.
Now the song is Oceans.
I like it when the oceans are grey and thrashing.
I want my cigarettes
but I don't have them
and I don't like the way
this pen is shaped.
This is
Someone help you if you envy me.



teach me how to fall
fall away
oh, how sweet
to have a release
unkind sky and light
why can't I fall away
from this mangy parade
of old milk
and ragged clothing
screaming children
and nationalist ideas.
there's no room for
a trapped pacifist anymore.
unkind sky and light
why do you
taunt me and why can't I
become one.



dry it all up
with a rotten rag.
wipe away all the tears
because I'm drowning
and I can't breathe.
the shadows are.
I'm lost in them
why won't someone
dry up all the tears?
I'm drowning in darkness.



December's Child was made to suffer
To weather the storm alone
Bearing the burden is no easy task
December is a curse.
A spell
A hex
An unlucky charm placed on the forehead
December is a dark aura
Thrown out across the snow.
The pale girl you see on the other side
In the ragged old jacket
With the bucket of water
She's a December too.
The wind whips cold and the stars
Shine white
The snow sits heavy and frigid
December steals softly along
To claim another victim in the night.
Decembers are different
Silent like stone
Patient like thunderclouds
Waiting to drop their rain
They never will.
The dead eyes staring
And the ivory hands outstretched
Will only give and never take
Help and never ask
Work and never rest.
Night goes to day
For all the world
But December's sun will never rise.
December is the endless sorrow
The world would die without
December's Child.



You're the one thing that keeps me sane
On days I want to break
And at night I reach out for you
White hands stealing across even whiter sheets
And we'll wither together
Under the black night skies
Buried in the white hot sand
Thorn in my side
Shield on my back
Dreamer of a hundred dark and shapeless things
You're the one thing I can't describe
Pain is so beautiful in you
I give myself but I'm never whole
You'd swallow the sea and sky
Before I fall asleep
In your arms.



Alright people, let's get down to
her house, I went last night and I
couldn't stop myself, honestly, I didn't mean
what you say for once, John, why do you
know what I'm talking about...where is my
car wouldn't start last night and it really
unfortunate that he's gone so soon from our
joint account, all the money is missing
my favourite show, damnit, hurry up I need
more, man, give me more and I'll pay you tomorrow
tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow, you're only
saying that because you want to get me in bed, you
left the garage open again last night
stands, I can't take them anymore, OK
people, quiet on the set, we're going to
get what's coming to us, child, soon
never seems to come soon enough
time for regret in the end of days.



Look. Here.
I've grown my wings and shed your hate.
A girl fell off the edge of the earth here
Look. She's gone now.
There are still ashes in my hair,
It's like I'm brand new
But I know where I've been
And these wings won't ever let me go back.
Look. Here.
You can't hurt me anymore. I'm sure.
I'm empowered. I've been given the resolution to go on.
Maybe you've seen what I am now around.
A bluebell. A siren. A dream. A faerie.
I'm as elusive as night stars
But I'm easier to reach than night stars.
Open your hands and I'll be there.
Look. Here.
Can you believe it?
I can fly. Do you loathe me so now?
I am a rock, I am a wave, I am the black ocean under the sky in all its rage.
Do you loathe me so now?
Look. Here.
I'm alive.



Do you know what they'd do to you
If they found you here?
Long ago it was safe
Once upon a night
I remember you pulled the stars down
And made me a necklace.
Do you know?
Our time has past, my dear.
My sweet, don't you see
If you don't run now
You'll never be safe again.
Long ago
We might have escaped.
Oh no, but not now.
Long ago, do you remember
Being my jade
My stone in the sea that never changed.
My stone under my tongue
My excuses?
That time has gone
And so should you.
I can't protect you anymore.
I'm wrong and your time has come.


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back to winter garden